Friday 1 April 2016

NEW: Taylor Swift and Queen on your Coke can?

Coke are well known for their successful styles of marketing, from their 'share a Coke with (name)' which took the world by storm when sales went up by 0.4% in the first 12 weeks when it started in Australia. 

Some people were thinking, 'what can Coke do next to follow up on share a Coke?' I certainly was. And here it is, the 'Share a Coke and a Song' campaign. 

The bottles and cans now feature a lyric from famous songs, linking the music industry with theirs. Although, Coke aren't simply trying to boost sales of forgotten songs, they have described their campaign as being able to bring people together, as music can say things that people can't. 

Coke have also described their campaign as 'bringing back the feeling of falling in love'. With over 70 lyrics carefully chosen to capture the special moments in life. They chose lyrics that inspire a connection and their goal is to cater to diverse tastes. 

From Coke: "'Share a coke and a song' capture the feeling of falling in love. (The Way You Love Me and You Belong With Me), celebrating victory (All I Do is Win) and (We are the Champions) to moments of friendship, (Lean on Me) to flirtation (It's Getting Hot in Here), to sass (We Never Go Out Of Style) to motivation (I'm Your Biggest Fan) and patriotism  (I'm Proud to Be An America) and (Sweet Land of Liberty).... Just to name a few.
Coke are focusing on representing their brand values by sharing their moments with the consumer, and then consumers sharing their special moments with their friends and family. 

As before with being able to customise names on bottles, there will be machines where consumers can select their own song lyrics. Involving the consumers further and spreading awareness. Fans can also use the app Shazam to record a video of themselves lip-syncing the song on their Coke and upload it to social media, spreading awareness even further, so that Coke don't have to spend money on marketing. 

Here is an example of what the cans are going to look like:

Coke essentially are using their integrated marketing strategy by having the consumer feel part of their brand. Brand experience is important when it comes to consumers as marketers know that if there is a similar product (for example, Pepsi) they want consumers to stay loyal to their brand instead of going for a cheaper alternative with a similar taste. 

When brands are new, smart marketers will make sure that the consumers have an emotional attachment to the brand to ensure that consumers stay loyal, which is exactly what Coke do every time they bring out a new campaign. Whether it be at Christmas pulling on consumers heart-strings with their commercials, or having consumers buy their friends a Coke just because their name is on the bottle for novelty reasons, not the taste. Coke are successful when it comes to marketing, as they keep their brand value strong and increase employee loyalty by having these emotional attachments in place.
Coke have certainly got their timing right, with Spring here and Summer on it's way, consumer's are ready for something new and no other competitors are doing anything like this at the moment which gives them a huge advantage.

With the new Coke bottles/cans to be out on the 18th of April, it will be interesting to see whether the Share a Song and a Coke will be as successful as Share a Coke with a Friend.

 Do you think this will be more successful?

Reference: Coke:


  1. Great blog, can't wait to get my favourite songs on a can!

  2. Wow! awesome blog, Now i can sing my best Tswizzle tunes with a cold beverage

  3. OMG! What a cool blog! AWESOME OH YEAH

  4. Great blog Lucy, I want to get a coke like that. Coke always come up with new ways to market their brand.

  5. This is such a great blog! i wasn't aware Coke were launching a new campaign, i totally agree that this is the right time for Coke to be launching these new cans and bottles just in time for the BBQ season and i'm sure it'll be a talking point at many bbq's this summer, i must say this is such clever idea from Coke and i'm already looking forward to going out and buying mine! I believe this campaign will be a hugh success as the timing is just right and like you've already said no other brands are doing anything like this. Great blog!!

  6. This is such a great blog! i wasn't aware Coke were launching a new campaign, i totally agree that this is the right time for Coke to be launching these new cans and bottles just in time for the BBQ season and i'm sure it'll be a talking point at many bbq's this summer, i must say this is such clever idea from Coke and i'm already looking forward to going out and buying mine! I believe this campaign will be a hugh success as the timing is just right and like you've already said no other brands are doing anything like this. Great blog!!

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