Tuesday 12 April 2016

Stuck for Inspiration? Thomson have got you covered!

Thomson have introduced a new touch screen feature in their store for customers to walk in and start to plan their holidays. The screen comes with options so that if a customer doesn't know what they are looking for, it can help them find their dream holiday. 

The touch screen allows customers to view a scrapbook style of pictures put together randomly from lot of different types of holidays, so that they can pick their 'best four' and begin their search. The pictures range from family holiday pictures, to relaxing pictures, couples pictures and adventure pictures. This allows customers to find a destination best fitting their needs with the pictures they can drag and select. When the customer has completed their selection, a list of destinations will appear with hotels and prices for the customer to look through. The screen also can show the customer the world map where they can tap a country and find out what they can do there, plan their holiday and search a particular holiday destination.

Here is an example of the screen:

Thomson are using the sensory marketing theory by having these screens in place. Research has shown that by triggering the haptic sense (touch) consumers feel more attached to the product. Instead of traditionally walking in to a travel agent and listening to the agent talk about a destination, the screens allow the consumer to experience the destination by playing on these senses, as the screens also have audio and videos of the destinations. The videos have calming music where necessary (Spa holidays, relaxing holidays), and happy music where there is adventure. 

The screens can be used for anyone of any age, as the haptic touch uses habitual human movement so that anyone can work the screens without even having to think about it. When at the screen, an agent will come over to help you through the process, making the experience memorable and the agent is able to give you even more information on a destination. 

The visuals on the screen are astonishing; with videos and bright colours used, the consumer see's the good imagery and this stimulates different emotions. The most common colours on the screen is blue and white, making the consumer feel calm.

The idea is very impressive, as it gives the consumer a completely different approach when looking for a holiday, especially if they are stuck for inspiration about where to go. The screen essentially finds you the perfect holiday in an experiential way.

I found this to be extremely effective, I was so impressed by the screens and this use of sensory marketing as by using this theory, the consumer is more likely to remember it and be inclined to buy the product as they have an emotional attachment. The screens are enjoyable to use, although sometimes it wouldn't work and I would have to tap things more than once for the screen to respond. Perhaps Thomson could work on their screens a little more to ensure that consumers won't be annoyed by the screen not working when they are using it. 

Although Thomson have triggered the human senses using sight, touch and hearing, they haven't used anything for smell. The store could have scents such as suncream, seasalt and tropical smells in order to trigger thoughts of holidays in a consumer. This will make the consumer think about their past holidays and make them want to book another. 

What do you think about the screens in Thomson?


  1. Fantastic blog, I have walked past so many times and never noticed them. Definitely going to use them next time I want to find a holiday. Such a sensory experience, much more exciting than just speaking to a travel agent or looking through a brochure. It has everything!

  2. I had an opportunity to play with the interactive screen and it was great! Brilliant post! I was able to refer to it from personal experience and thus enjoy reading even more.

  3. Good blog post, keep it up:)

  4. I never knew about this, It would make holiday search so much easier

  5. I never knew about this, It would make holiday search so much easier

  6. This is a way of marketing that allows the user to get involved and experience a holiday before purchase. Your blog goes into detail about what the customer can experience and the options that Thomson can deliver. Great images used. This may be a good way of getting people to purchase from their company due to this type of gamification used.

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